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[FREE] Whatsapp Spy Software 2014

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share Whatsapp Spy software which is used to spy on any whatsapp contacts.
  • Name of the software - WhatsAppSpyx-Version-1.0.2(beta)
  • Release date - No Data
  • Features - Contacts Spy, Messages Spy, Status Update, Profile Picture Update, Send Messages To His/Her Friends, Copy Victims Messages.
In this post you will learn following things:-
  1. Whats is WhatsApp messenger?
  2. What is Whatsapp Spy Software?
  3. What is network packet sniffer?
  4. How network packet sniffer works?
  5. How packet sniffer is used in Whatsapp spy Software?
  6. How to download WhatsApp spy software for PC, MAC, Android, Blackberry, and IOS?

WhatsApp Messenger

Whatsapp messenger is cross platform mobile messaging app for Android, IOS, Blackberry, Nokia and Windows phone. It supports text chats, video, photos and graphics animation. It was founded in 2009 by American Brian Acton and Ukrainian Jan Koum.

For more information on Whatsapp Messenger Visit:-

WhatsApp Spy Software
Whatsapp spy is a software program based on packet sniffing technique for PC, MAC, IOS, Android and Blackberry. It enables you to spy on any whatsapp profile by giving the victim's mobile number. Whatsapp spy software features includes spy on chat, profile status update, profile picture update, copy the victim'c chat history in text format, send messages to victim's friends and to chat with victim's friends.

What is packet sniffing and deep packet inspection?

Packet sniffing or Packet sniffer (ex- wireshark packet sniffer) allows whitehat hacker, blackhat hacker, internet service provider, businesses, goverment own hackers and parents to see what kind of network traffic and data within is passing in any given accessible network that passes their own through the use of deep packet
inspection. It contains all data including MAC address, Ip address, network subnet, routing algorithm and network protocol being used at the time of packet transmission. This amazing tool makes it easy to spy on data transmission, traffic bandwidth rotation, find issues and determine how to possibly fix network problem as well as detect intruders in your own network.

It contains all the information including full web address, time at which a given website accessed, bandwidth transferred during each connection and data downloaded from the given website. It is widely used by network engineers to detect any error in company network.

Remote packet sniffing:- Remote packet sniffing is generally used by blackhat hackers to scan all the network protocols of victim connections. Remote packet sniffing technique is used by Whatsapp Spy software.

How Remote packet sniffing works?
For example let A and B is chatting online in any messenger and C wants to see the data passing through A and B channel. A and B is connected with each other with the help of Messenger Server S.

Lets see how connection establish phase takes place between two user A and B in Server S. A sends the following information to Server and request connection with user B
MAC Address, User ID, IP address and Destination (B) username
Server then ckeck database about information related to request sent by user A. The server then respond to both A and B with following information:-

Channel Token, Channel Time Allocation, Channel status and Channel configuration. Now, user A and B communicates through this channel.

Now, User C who wants to spy on channel will use packet sniffer to detect the MAC address, IP address, network protocol, and network configuration of victim's network connection then C will make a fake request to the server with the network information and username of A, Server will think that this request is coming from User A and will allow the user C to connect to the pre existing channel.

This Full technique is known as MAN IN THE MIDDLE ATTACK (MitM Attack)

WhatsApp spy software files and installation process

Here is the screenshot of Whatsapp Spy Software files for windows.

To Run the program double click on swfobject.js file and you are ready to go.

Enter the victim's mobile number and country.

After entering the number and country click on hack now. 

In above screenshot you can see that the victim's profile is connected. Below are the available options on whatsapp spy software.
  1. If you want to spy on victim then simply enter his/her number select region and click on connect.
  2. Choose a conversation option:- It is a drop down menu which contains victim's contact list. Select the contact and you will be able to see the conversation.
  3. Message to option:- Select the contact name from drop down menu and type the message in box provided below to send messages to victim's contacts.
  4. New status option:- Type the status in status field and click on update status.
  5. You can also change the profile image by clicking change profile image.
The screenshot is not clear and I apologize for that.

Download Whatsapp Spy Software for Windows

How to download the file?

We have protected the file with our new upload storage, it means that you have to complete a short survey. The surveys are very easy to do and only take about a minute, so either download it or don’t. We hope that this new protection (surveys) will limit the number of downloads to only people who really want to get this software.


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Author: Anonymous


Whatsapp Latest Hack [Release 2014]

With this WhatsApp Hack Tool you can spy on any number you want: You can read the chat logs, view all of their pictures and even write messages from a number to another number. This is the perfect tool to find out what your friends are talking about, or if your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating etc!

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Author: Anonymous